#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of curveball.
# https://github.com/yoavram/curveball
# Licensed under the MIT license:
# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT-license
# Copyright (c) 2015, Yoav Ram <yoav@yoavram.com>
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import curveball
import curveball.baranyi_roberts_model
[docs]def loglik(t, y, y_sig, f, penalty=None, **params):
r"""Computes the log-likelihood of seeing the data given a model
assuming normal distributed observation/measurement errors.
.. math::
\log{L(y | \theta)} = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_i { \log{(2 \pi \sigma_{i}^{2})} + \frac{(y - f(t_i; \theta))^2}{\sigma_{i}^{2}} }
which is the log-likelihood of seeing the data points :math:`t_i, y_i`
with measurement error :math:`\sigma_i`
given the model function :math:`f`, the model parameters :math:`\theta`,
and that the measurement error at time :math:`t_i` has a normal distribution with mean 0.
t : np.ndarray
one dimensional array of time
y : np.ndarray
one dimensional array of the means of the observations
y_sig : np.ndarray
one dimensional array of standrad deviations of the observations
f : callable
a function the calculates the expected observations (`f(t)`) from `t` and any parameters in `params`
penalty : callable
a function that calculates a scalar penalty from the parameters in `params` to be substracted from the log-likelihood
params : floats, optional
model parameters
the log-likelihood result
yhat = f(t, **params)
val = -0.5 * np.sum(np.log(2 * np.pi * y_sig ** 2) + (y - yhat) ** 2 / y_sig ** 2)
if penalty:
val -= penalty(**params)
return val
[docs]def ridge_regularization(lam, **center):
r"""Create a penaly function that employs the ridge regularization method:
.. math::
P = \lambda ||\theta - \theta_0||_2
where :math:`\lambda` is the regularization scale,
:math:`\theta` is the model parameters vector,
and :math:`\theta_0` is the model parameters guess vector.
This is similar to using a multivariate Gaussian prior distribution on the model parameters
with the Gaussian centerd at :math:`\theta_0` and scaled by :math:`\lambda`.
lam : float
the penalty factor or regularization scale
center : floats, optional
guesses of model parameters
the penalty function, accepts model parameters as float keyword arguments and returns a float penalty to the log-likelihood
>>> penalty = ridge_regularization(1, y=0.1, K=1, r=1)
>>> loglik(t, y, y_sig, logistic, penalty=penalty, y0=0.12, K=0.98, r=1.1)
def _ridge_regularization(**params):
return lam * np.linalg.norm([v - center.get(k, 0) for k, v in params.items() if np.isfinite(v)])
return _ridge_regularization
[docs]def loglik_r_nu(r_range, nu_range, df, f=curveball.baranyi_roberts_model.baranyi_roberts_function,
penalty=None, **params):
r"""Estimates the log-likelihood surface for :math:`r` and :math:`\nu` given data and a model function.
r_range, nu_range : numpy.ndarray
vectors of floats of :math:`r` and :math:`\nu` values on which to compute the log-likelihood
df : pandas.DataFrame
data frame with `Time` and `OD` columns
f : callable, optional
model function, defaults to :py:func:`curveball.baranyi_roberts_model.baranyi_roberts_function`
penalty : callable, optional
if given, the result of `penalty` will be substracted from the log-likelihood for each parameter set
params : floats
values for the model model parameters used by `f`
two-dimensional array of log-likelihood calculations;
value at index `i, j` will have the value for `r_range[i]` and `nu_range[j]`
See also
if not params:
params = dict()
t = df.Time.unique()
y = df.groupby('Time')['OD'].mean().values
y_sig = df.groupby('Time')['OD'].std().values
output = np.empty((len(r_range), len(nu_range)))
for i, r in enumerate(r_range):
params['r'] = r
for j, nu in enumerate(nu_range):
params['nu'] = nu
output[i,j] = loglik(t, y, y_sig, f, penalty, **params)
return output
[docs]def loglik_r_q0(r_range, q0_range, df, f=curveball.baranyi_roberts_model.baranyi_roberts_function,
penalty=None, **params):
r"""Estimates the log-likelihood surface for :math:`r` and :math:`\nu` given data and a model function.
r_range, q0_range : numpy.ndarray
vectors of floats of :math:`r` and :math:`q_0` values on which to compute the log-likelihood
df : pandas.DataFrame
data frame with `Time` and `OD` columns
f : callable, optional
model function, defaults to :py:func:`curveball.baranyi_roberts_model.baranyi_roberts_function`
penalty : callable, optional
if given, the result of `penalty` will be substracted from the log-likelihood for each parameter set
params : floats
values for the model model parameters used by `f`
two-dimensional array of log-likelihood calculations;
value at index `i, j` will have the value for `r_range[i]` and `q0_range[j]`
See also
if not params:
params = dict()
t = df.Time.unique()
y = df.groupby('Time')['OD'].mean().values
y_sig = df.groupby('Time')['OD'].std().values
output = np.empty((len(r_range), len(q0_range)))
for i, r in enumerate(r_range):
params['r'] = r
for j, q0 in enumerate(q0_range):
params['q0'] = q0
output[i,j] = loglik(t, y, y_sig, f, penalty, **params)
return output
[docs]def plot_loglik(Ls, xrange, yrange, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, columns=4, fig_title=None, normalize=True,
ax_titles=None, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, ax_width=4, ax_height=4, ax=None):
r"""Plots one or more log-likelihood surfaces.
Ls : sequence of numpy.ndarray
list or tuple of log-likelihood two-dimensional arrays; if one array is given it will be converted to a size 1 list
xrange, yrange : np.ndarray
values on x-axis and y-axis of the plot (rows and columns of `Ls`, respectively)
xlabel, ylabel : str, optional
strings for x and y labels
columns : int, optional
number of columns in case that `Ls` has more than one matrice
fig_title : str, optional
a title for the whole figure
normalize : bool, optional
if :py:const:`True`, all matrices will be plotted using a single color scale
ax_titles : list or tuple of str, optional
titles corresponding to the different matrices in `Ls`
cmap : str. optional
name of a matplotlib colormap (to see list, call :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.colormaps`), defaults to `viridis`
colorbar : bool, optional
if :py:const:`True` a colorbar will be added to the plot
ax_width, ax_height : int
width and height of each panel (one for each matrice in `Ls`)
ax : matplotlib axes or numpy.ndarray of axes
if given, will plot into `ax`, otherwise will create a new figure
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
figure object
ax : numpy.ndarray
array of axis objects
>>> L = loglik_r_nu(rs, nus, df, y0=y0, K=K, q0=q0, v=v)
>>> plot_loglik(L0, rs, nus, normalize=False, fig_title=fig_title, xlabel=r'$r$', ylabel=r'$\nu$', colorbar=False)
if not isinstance(Ls, (list, tuple)):
Ls = [Ls]
columns = min(columns, len(Ls))
rows = int(np.ceil(len(Ls) / columns))
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, columns, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(ax_width*columns, ax_height*rows))
fig = ax.figure
if not hasattr(ax, '__iter__'):
ax = np.array(ax, ndmin=2)
if ax.ndim == 1:
ax.resize((rows, columns))
vmin = np.nanmin(Ls)
vmax = np.nanmax(Ls)
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
for i, L in enumerate(Ls):
row = i // columns
col = i % columns
_ax = ax[row, col]
im = _ax.imshow(L.T, cmap=cmap, aspect=1, origin='lower')
if normalize:
if colorbar:
plt.colorbar(im, ax=_ax, label='Log Likelihood', fraction=0.03, pad=0.25, format='%1.e')
_ax.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5)
_ax.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5)
xstep = len(xrange) // 5
xticks = list(range(0, len(xrange), xstep)) + [len(xrange)-1]
xticklabels = xrange[xticks]
_ax.set_xticklabels(['{:.2g}'.format(x) for x in xticklabels], rotation='vertical')
ystep = len(xrange) // 5
yticks = list(range(0, len(yrange), ystep)) + [len(yrange)-1]
yticklabels = yrange[yticks]
_ax.set_yticklabels(['{:.2g}'.format(y) for y in yticklabels])
imax, jmax = (L == np.nanmax(L)).nonzero()
_ax.scatter(imax, jmax, marker='o', s=50, color='r')
if row == rows-1 and xlabel:
if col == 0 and ylabel:
if ax_titles:
if fig_title:
fig.text(0.5, 1, fig_title, fontsize=24, horizontalalignment='center')
return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_model_loglik(m, df, fig_title=None):
r"""Plot the log-ikelihood surfaces for :math:`\nu` over :math:`r` and :math:`q_0` over :math:`r` for given data and model fitting result.
m : lmfit.model.ModelResult
model for which to plot the log-likelihood surface
df : pandas.DataFrame
data frame with `Time` and `OD` columns used to fit the model
fig_title : str
title for the plot
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
figure object
ax : numpy.ndarray
array of axis objects
>>> m = curveball.models.fit_model(df)
>>> curveball.likelihood.plot_model_loglik(m, df)
K = m.best_values['K']
y0 = m.best_values['y0']
r = m.best_values['r']
nu = m.best_values.get('nu', 1)
q0 = m.best_values.get('q0', np.inf)
v = m.best_values.get('v', np.inf)
rs = np.logspace(-2, 4, 100)
nus = np.logspace(-3, 2.5, 100)
q0s = np.logspace(-3, 2.5, 100)
ir = ( abs(rs - r).argmin() )
inu = ( abs(nus - nu).argmin() )
iq0 = ( abs(q0s - m.best_values.get('q0', np.inf)).argmin() )
ir_in = ( abs(rs - m.init_values['r']).argmin() )
inu_in = ( abs(nus - m.init_values.get('nu', 1)).argmin() )
iq0_in = ( abs(q0s - m.init_values.get('q0', np.inf)).argmin() )
L0 = loglik_r_nu(rs, nus, df, y0=y0, K=K, q0=q0, v=v)
L1 = loglik_r_q0(rs, q0s, df, y0=y0, K=K, nu=nu, v=v)
w, h= plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(w * 2, h))
plot_loglik(L0, rs, nus, normalize=False, fig_title=fig_title,
xlabel=r'$r$', ylabel=r'$\nu$', colorbar=False, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].scatter(ir, inu, marker='s', s=30, color='w', edgecolors='k')
ax[0].scatter(ir_in, inu_in, marker='^', s=30, color='w', edgecolors='k')
plot_loglik(L1, rs, q0s, normalize=False,
xlabel=r'$r$', ylabel=r'$q_0$', colorbar=True, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].scatter(ir, iq0, marker='s', s=30, color='w', edgecolors='k')
ax[1].scatter(ir_in, iq0_in, marker='^', s=30, color='w', edgecolors='k')
return fig, ax